Help! I Don’t Know What I’m Doing!

Don’t Panic.

The Leadership Team here at The Africa Rally have been traversing the African continent in ridiculous, highly unsuitable vehicles for the past decade and if it’s likely to happen it’s probably happened to them already.

This section of the website is designed to prepare you for a few more serious situations which you might face along the way, to ensure you have the correct documents in place before you leave, and to provide a couple of general tips & tricks to keep you safe on the road. Should you still have concerns after reading this, then we really encourage you to email with any questions. It doesn’t matter what they are, we want to ensure you’re comfortable with the level of risk involved in the adventure you are undertaking, and if that means speaking with our team directly, then we can make it happen.


A Few General Rules to Live By:


Don’t Drive at Night

This is an understood general safety rule in Africa as the majority of roads aren’t lit, the variety of animals which can run out in front of you is vast, and in many countries the main road is also the main pedestrian highway which means you may also be putting others in danger by driving after dark.


Keep Smiling

Things going wrong need not be a barrier to completing The Africa Rally, as they are part of the rally itself. We want you to get lost, stuck, and a little bit drunk that’s true, but there will come a moment sitting at the side of the road next to a cooked vehicle where you wonder what you are doing. Keep Smiling. People will genuinely want to help and they will want to hear about the ridiculous decisions which have led you to this point. There’s no rush, so enjoy the madness of it all. We assure you it’s still better than being trapped in an office slogging away at a 9-5 job that you hate.


Don’t Pay the Police

This is not to say if you are caught speeding, or caught parked in the wrong place you shouldn’t pay your fine, but ask for a receipt, ask for a written notice of your offence. While the majority of police officers on the continent are upstanding citizens, a number of the traffic police in particular do like to supplement their income. Please don’t pay, as this only enforces the behaviour and means when that individual sees the next Africa Rally team coming down the road, they will try to charge them as well.


Talk to People

This goes together with the Keep Smiling rule, because what you will find is if you need something, generally speaking, people will be able to help. Whether that is sourcing a mechanic, or finding a place to stay, just talk to people, put your faith in the goodness of humanity, and you will have a much more enjoyable adventure.


Now Doesn’t Mean Now

There is a concept known as Africa Time, which basically means if you are used to a train arriving every three minutes in central London, if you are used to a taxi turning up immediately, and if you are used to your meal being on the table in 5minutes then Africa might be a surprise for you. People work at their own pace here, and trying to speed things up will inevitably slow things down, so sit back, relax, and remember there’s no where you have to be.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sort out The Paperwork?

Depending on the countries you will be travelling through, and your own nationality, there will be specific visas and different documents for your vehicle which you will need in place. We have compiled some helpful information on this to assist you both with working out what to do, and how much it will cost.


Should you be purchasing your vehicle in South Africa and need assistance with local documents, please reach out to us on and we can put you in touch with the relevant authorities depending on the details of your vehicle. We can also assist with pick-up and delivery of the vehicle to the start line if needed.

Is it Safe?

This is entirely subjective!  Safe to one person is riding a bicycle through Central London, and personally we think you must have a deathwish if you are someone who does this regularly.  Joking aside, there are risks as with any adventure travel journey, but as long as you follow our General Rules to Live By you should be alright.  It’s better to live and find mischief then never to have lived at all!

What if we know nothing about mechanics and break down?

Knowing nothing about how your vehicle works will likely put you in the majority of teams, and it’s not an issue, we know you’ll break down, but luckily mechanics in Africa are geniuses at keeping vehicles running long past their sell by date!  …and everyone knows a mechanic, so just ask the first person you meet for help!

Where do I stay along the way?

There are hundreds of campsites, lodges, hotels, and watering holes along the way to suit all budgets!

We also partner with a few select places scattered along the way, which will offer you great experiences at reduced prices for Africa Rally teams.

See All Partners

What if I can’t make the event?

You’ll definitely be kicking yourself if you need to pull out from The Africa Rally, but we understand that sometimes life gets in the way. We will be able to provide you with a full refund so long as you notify us more than six months prior to the start line date. Why six months? We want to give anyone that might be on our waiting list chance to prepare and take your place!

Will you insure us if anything happens?

Teams will need to get their own travel insurance for this event, however we have Service Partners onboard who can assist with this, and even have event specific policies to make sure you are covered! Any road trip in any part of the world carries its risks, and The Africa Rally is no different. We can’t accept any responsibility if anything happens, so we urge all teams to ensure they follow local laws and make use of the emergency numbers provided in your registration pack if they run into trouble in any of the countries which they are travelling through. We cannot accept any responsibility for anything which happens to you along the way, but we will always do our best to ensure you are ready for the journey.

Other Services

In order to support our teams flying in from international destinations, we can offer the following services:

Vehicle Storage in Johannesburg – Cost Calculator

Vehicle pick up and delivery to the start line if the vehicle is purchased in South Africa

Mechanical once-over to ensure the vehicle you purchased on Gumtree while sitting in a pub in London actually works when you reach South Africa

Introduction to shipping companies if you are shipping a vehicle to South Africa for the start line

Introduction to shipping companies in Kenya if you are looking to ship a vehicle home afterwards

Disposal of vehicle in Kenya if you are keen to see the back of it once reaching the finish line

For services not listed, please contact our team on and we’ll see what we can do!

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By clicking I'm Interested you have taken the first step towards being part of something truly special; a community of like minded individuals who want to experience the best that Africa has to offer. Find yourself? Find others? Do good. Get lost, stuck, and a little bit drunk. Most importantly live, as these experiences will be with you forever.

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“I just wish the world was twice as big, and half of it was still unexplored”

Sir David Attenborough